Saeed Sadiq Hamid
- Department of Medicine, Medical College, Pakistan - Professor & Director
Person: Senior Faculty
Om Parkash
- Department of Medicine, Medical College, Pakistan - Associate Professor & Sec Head
Person: Senior Faculty
Tabish Chawla
- Department of Surgery, Medical College, Pakistan - Associate Professor
Person: Senior Faculty
Syed Iqbal Azam
- Department of Community Health Sciences, Medical College, Pakistan - Assistant Professor
Person: Senior Faculty
Romaina Iqbal
- Non-communicable Diseases and Mental Health Section
- Department of Community Health Sciences, Medical College, Pakistan - Associate Professor & Sec Head
Person: Senior Faculty
Erum Khan
- Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Medical College, Pakistan - Professor & Chair
Person: Senior Faculty
Fauziah Rabbani
- Department of Community Health Sciences, Medical College, Pakistan - Professor - BMI & CHS
Person: Senior Faculty
Muhammad Qamar Masood
- Department of Medicine, Medical College, Pakistan - Associate Professor & Sec Head
Person: Senior Faculty
Syed Ahsan
- Department of Medicine, Medical College, Pakistan - Assistant Professor
Person: Senior Faculty
J. Yakoob
- Aga Khan University
- Defence Housing Society
- Central South University
- Defence Housing Society Phase II
- Trinity College Dublin
- St James's Hospital
External person
Shiv Kumar Sarin
- Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
- G.B. Pant Hospital India
- University of Iowa
- Mansoura University
- University of Delhi
External person
Jose D. Sollano
- University of Santo Tomas
- Cardinal Santos Medical Center
- Medicine
- University Santo Tomas Hospital
- University of Delhi
- Cardinal Santos Medical Center
- Cardinal Santos Medical Centre
- World Gastroenterology Organisation
- Cardinal Santos Medical Center
External person
M. Mahtab
- Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
- Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital
External person
Diana A. Payawal
- Cardinal Santos Medical Center
- Fatima University Medical Center Manila
- Cardinal Santos Medical Center
- Cardinal Santos Medical Center
- Cardinal Santos Medical Center
- Cardinal Santos Medical Center
- Cardinal Santos Medical Center
- Fatima University Medical Center
External person
Harshad Devarbhavi
- St John Medical College
- St John Medical College
- St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences
- St. John’s Medical College and Hospital
External person
Akash Shukla
- Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital and Medical College
- Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital
- KEM Hospital and Seth GSMC
- Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital
- KEM Hospital and Seth GSMC
External person
Laurentius A. Lesmana
- Medistra Hospital
- University of Indonesia
- Medistra Hospital
- University of Balamand
- University of Ulsan
- Mansoura University
- University of Delhi
External person
George Lau
- Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Humanity and Health Clinical Trial Center
- Humanity and Health Medical Group
- General Hospital of People's Liberation Army
- The Institute of Translational Hepatology
- New Kowloon
- Humanity and Health Medical Centre
- PLA No. 302 Hospital
- and Health Medical Group
- and Health Medical Group
- Prince of Wales Hospital Hong Kong
- Fudan University
- Medical School of Chinese PLA
External person
Soek Siam Tan
- Selayang Hospital
- Hospital Selayang
- Hospital Selayang
- Selayang Hospital
- Hospital Selayang
- Selayang Hospital
- Department of Hepatology Selayang Hospital
- Hospital Selayang
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- University of Malaysia
- Hospital Selayang
- Hospital Selayang
- Selayang Hospital
- Selayang Hospital
- Hospital Selayang
External person
Qin Ning
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- State Key Laboratory for Zoonotic Diseases
- Capital Medical University
External person
Yogesh K. Chawla
- Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology
- Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
- Mansoura University
- University of Delhi
- Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences
External person
Masao Omata
- Yamanashi Prefectural Central Hospital
- The University of Tokyo
- Yamanashi Hospitals (Central and Kita) Organization
- Mansoura University
- University of Delhi
- Yamanashi Hospitals (Central and Kita) Organization
External person
Zahid Azam
- Dow University of Health Sciences
- Aga Khan University
- Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation
External person
Guan H. Lee
- MOH Holdings Pte Ltd.
- National University of Singapore
- National University Hospital
External person
Hasmik Ghazinian
- Nork Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases
- Nork Clinical Hospital of Infectious Disease
- Armenian Association for the Study of the Liver (ARASL)
- Nork Clinical Hospital
- Nikomed Medical Center
External person
Mohammad Salih
- Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University
- Aga Khan University
- University of Delhi
- Shifa International Hospital
External person
Gamal Shiha
- Egyptian Liver Research Institute and Hospital
- Egyptian Liver Research Institute and Hospital (ELRIAH)
- Mansoura University
- Egyptian Liver Research Institute and Hospital (ELRIAH)
- Egyptian Liver Research Institute and Hospital (ELRIAH)
- University of Delhi
- World Hepatitis Alliance
- Egyptian Liver Research Institute and Hospital (ELRIAH)
- Association of Liver Patients Care
- European Liver Patients Association
- African Liver Patient Association (ALPA)
- World Hepatitis Alliance
External person
Ashish Goel
- Christian Medical College
- Christan Medical College
- Department of Gastroenterology
External person
Ajit Sood
- Dayanand Medical College & Hospital
- DMC and Hospital
- World Gastroenterology Organisation
External person
R. K. Dhiman
- Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
- Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences
- University of Delhi
External person
Seng Gee Lim
- National University of Singapore
- MOH Holdings Pte Ltd.
- National University Hospital
- World Gastroenterology Organisation
External person
Samir R. Shah
- Global Hospital- Super Speciality and Transplant Center
- Global Hospital
- Global Hospitals
- Global Hospitals
- Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre
External person
Sadik Memon
- Isra University
- Asian Institute of Medical Science (AIMS)
- Asian Institute of Medical Science (AIMS)
- Asian Institute of Medical Science (AIMS)
External person
Cosmas Rinaldi Lesmana
- Medistra Hospital
- University of Indonesia
- Medistra Hospital
- Mochtar Riyadi Comprehensive Cancer Center (MRCCC) Siloam Semanggi Hospital
External person
Barjesh C. Sharma
- G.B. Pant Hospital India
- Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
- University of Delhi
External person
Jinhua Hu
- Department of Medicine
- PLA No. 302 Hospital
- Military Hospital
- General Hospital of People's Liberation Army
External person
Ashish Kumar
- Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
- Mansoura University
- University of Delhi
- Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
External person
Man Fung Yuen
- The University of Hong Kong
- World Gastroenterology Organisation
- Queen Mary Hospital Hong Kong
External person
Ananta Shresta
- Foundation Nepal Sitapaila Height
- Foundation Nepal Sitapaila Height
- Liver Foundation Nepal
- Alka Hospital
External person
L. Kamani
- Aga Khan University
- Liaquat National Hospital
- Department of Medicine
- Liaqat National Hospital
External person
Ed Gane
- Auckland District Health Board
- NZ Liver Transplant Unit
- Auckland Clinical Studies
- The University of Auckland
External person
I. Altraif
- King Abdulaziz Medical City - Riyadh
- King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
- Ministry of National Guard – Health Affairs
External person
A. A. Aljumah
- King Abdulaziz Medical City - Riyadh
- King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
- Dar Al Uloom University
External person
Yu Chen
- Capital Medical University
- Department of Gastroenterology
- Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital
- Chiba University
External person
Tao Chen
- Capital Medical University
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- Tongji Hospital
- Tongji Hospital
- Tongji Hospital
External person
Rosmawati Mohamed
- University of Malaya
- The Coalition for the Eradication of Viral Hepatitis in Asia Pacific
External person
Abdullah B. Khalid
- Aga Khan University
- Dow University of Health Sciences
- Northwell Health System
- Dow University Hospital
External person
Henry Lik Yuen Chan
- Union Hospital
- Chinese University of Hong Kong
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Faculty of Medicine
External person
Vivek Saraswat
- Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences
- Gandhi Medical College
- St Josefs-Hospital Wiesbaden Gmbh Wirbelsäulenzentrum
External person
Y. Al Serkal
- Ministry of Health, United Arab Emirates
- Emirates Health Services
- Emirates Health Services
- Emirates Health Services
External person
S. Blach
- Center for Disease Analysis
- Center for Disease Analysis Foundation
- CDA Foundation
External person
D. H. Muljono
- University of Sydney
- Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology
- Fatima Memorial Hospital
- Universitas Hasanuddin
- Indonesian Academy of Sciences
- Ministry of Health, Indonesia
- Faculty of Medicine and Health
External person
Anand Kulkarni
- Asian Institute of Gastroenterology India
- AIG Hospitals
- Asian Institute of Gastroentrology
External person
F. Karim
- Mitford Hospital
- Sir Salimullah Medical College
- CMOSH Medical College
- Sir Salimullah Medical College
External person
Oidov Baatarkhuu
- Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences
- Mongolian Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
External person
Homie Razavi
- Center for Disease Analysis
- Center for Disease Analysis Foundation
- Center for Disease Analysis Foundation
- CDA Foundation
External person
K. Razavi-Shearer
- Center for Disease Analysis
- Center for Disease Analysis Foundation
- CDA Foundation
External person
Ghayasun Nabi Tayyab
- Lahore General Hospital
- Doctors Hospital and Medical Center
- Pakistan Society of Gastroenterology
- Postgraduate Medical Institute Lahore General Hospital
- Moderators and Panelists of PSG Consensus Meeting
- Aga Khan University
- Postgraduate Medical Institute
- Faculty of Gastroenterology CPSP
External person
D. Razavi-Shearer
- Center for Disease Analysis
- Center for Disease Analysis Foundation
- CDA Foundation
External person
Seyed Moayed Alavian
- Baqiyatallah Research Center for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases
- Baqiyatallah Research Center for Gastroenterology and Liver Disease
- Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University
- Middle East Liver Disease Center
- Tehran University of Medical Sciences
- Middle East Liver Diseases Centre
- Middle East Liver Disease Center
External person
C. Yaghi
- Saint Joseph University
- Allama Iqbal Medical College
- Yusra Medical College
- Hotel Dieu de France Hospital
External person
Stephen Locarnini
- Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory
- Victorian Infectious Diseases LaboratoriesMelbourne Australia
- World Gastroenterology Organisation
External person
Anwar Ali Siddiqui
- Aga Khan University
- Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center
- Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
- Research Laboratory
External person
Huma Qureshi
- Pakistan Health Research Council
- Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
- Pakistan Medical and Research Council
- University of Delhi
- Aga Khan University
- Pakistan Health Research Council
- Ministry of Health
- Government of Pakistan
- Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
- Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center
- University of Chakwal
- Doctor’s Plaza
- National Focal Point Hepatitis for Pakistan
External person
Sanjiv Saigal
- Medanta (The Medicity)
- Medanta Hospital
- Max Super Speciality Hospital
- Max Super Speciallity Hospital
External person
R. Malekzadeh
- Tehran University of Medical Sciences
- Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
- Digestive Diseases Research Institute
- Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London
- Thomas Jefferson University
- Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona
- Digestive Disease Research Center
- University of Medical Sciences
- Digestive Diseases Research Institute
External person
M. Sadik
- Asian Institute of Medical Science (AIMS)
- Asian Institute of Medical Science (AIMS)
External person
J. Gunter
- Center for Disease Analysis
- Siddiq Sadiq Hospital
- Center for Disease Analysis Foundation
External person
A. Jeruma
- Riga Stradins University
- Infectology Center of Latvia
- Icelandic Cancer Society
- Riga East University Hospital
External person
C. Estes
- Center for Disease Analysis
- Center for Disease Analysis Foundation
- CDA Foundation
External person
Ieva Tolmane
- Infectology Center of Latvia
- Icelandic Cancer Society
- University of Latvia
- Riga East University Hospital
- Riga Stradins University
External person
N. Leung
- Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Mansoura University
- Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
External person
Muhammad Umar
- Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi
- University of Indonesia
- Rawalpindi Medical College
- University of Iowa
- Moderators and Panelists of PSG Consensus Meeting
- King Edward Medical University Lahore
- Aga Khan University
- General Hospital Gamawa Bauchi State
External person
Bader Fiaz Zuberi
- Dow University of Health Sciences and Civil Hospital Karachi
- Dow University of Health Sciences
External person
Richard Moreau
- Centre de Recherche sur l’Inflammation (CRI)
- Hôpital Beaujon
- Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale
- and Grifols Chair
- EF Clif
- Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris
- Université Paris Cité
External person
Arif Amir Nawaz
- Fatima Memorial Hospital
- Moderators and Panelists of PSG Consensus Meeting
- FMH College of Medicine and Dentistry
External person
J. D. Schmelzer
- Center for Disease Analysis
- Center for Disease Analysis Foundation
- CDA Foundation
External person
G. Sigmundsdottir
- Klinik Hati Prof. Ali Sulaiman
- Centre for Health Security and Communicable Disease Control
External person
B. Rozentale
- Riga Stradins University
- Infectology Center of Latvia
- Icelandic Cancer Society
External person
Arif Siddiqui
- Allama Iqbal Medical College
- Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation
External person
Han Tao
- Tianjin Institute of Hepatobiliary Disease
- Tianjin Medical University
- Third Central Hospital
- Tianjin Institute of Hepatobiliary Disease
External person
Mohd Rela
- Global Health City
- Global Health city
- Dr. Rela Institute and Medical Centre
External person
Bela Hunyady
- University of Pecs
- Mor Teaching Hospital
- Somogy County Kaposi Mor Teaching Hospital
- Somogy County Kaposi Mor Teaching Hospital
- Somogy Megyei Kaposi Mor Oktato Korhaz
External person
Virender Singh
- Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
- Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
External person
Carlos E. Brandão-Mello
- Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
- Clinica de Doenças do Fígado
External person
Liana Gheorghe
- Fundeni Clinical Institute
- Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
External person
Faisal M. Sanai
- King Saud University
- King Abdulaziz Medical City - Jeddah
- King Abdulaziz Medical City - Riyadh
External person
J. G. Jonasson
- Landspitali University Hospital
- University of Peshawar
- Icelandic Cancer Society
- University of Iceland
External person
J. I. Farooqi
- Landspitali University Hospital
- University of Peshawar
- Khyber Medical University
- Moderators and Panelists of PSG Consensus Meeting
- Lifecare Hospital and Research Centre
External person
A. Löve
- Landspitali University Hospital
- University of Tartu
- University of Ljubljana
- Department of Virology
External person
Imam Waked
- Menoufia University
- Mansoura University
- National Liver Institute
- National Liver Institute
- National liver Institute
- National Liver Institute
- National Liver Institute
- Hepatology and Gastroenterology Department
External person
Mamun Al Mahtab
- Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
- Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital
External person
Malik Hassan Mehmood
- Government College University Faisalabad
- Aga Khan University
- Bahauddin Zakariya University
- University of Karachi
External person
Ming Hua Zheng
- Wenzhou Medical University
- Key Laboratory of Diagnosis and Treatment for the Development of Chronic Liver Disease in Zhejiang Province
External person
V. Liakina
- Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- Vilnius University
- Faculty of Fundamental Sciences
External person
Lovkesh Anand
- Narayana Hospital
- Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
- Narayana Hospital
- Manipal Academy of Higher Education
External person
Dinesh Jothimani
- Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research
- Dr. Rela Institute and Medical Centre
External person
William P. Burdick
- FAIMER (Foundation for Advancement of Medical Education) Institutes
External person
Philip Bruggmann
- Arud Centres for Addiction Medicine
- Arud Centres for Addiction Medicine
- University of Zurich
- Swiss Hepatitis
External person
Ananta Shreshtha
- Foundation Nepal
- Alka Hospital
- Alka Hospital
- Foundation Nepal Sitapaila Height
External person
Sanjay Saran Baijal
- University of Delhi
- Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences
External person
Xin Shaojie
- Medical School of Chinese PLA
- General Hospital of People's Liberation Army
- The Medical School of Chinese PLA
- Medical School of Chinese PLA
- The Medical School of Chinese PLA
External person
R. A. Smego
- Aga Khan University
- University of North Dakota
- National Institutes of Health
- The Commonwealth Medical College
External person
Hitendra Garg
- Apollo Hospitals Group
- Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
- University of Delhi
External person
Anwar Ul Hassan Gilani
- Aga Khan University
- Mekelle University
- King Saud University
- Pakistan Council for Science and Technology
- Khan University
- COMSATS University Islamabad
External person
George Lau
- General Hospital of People's Liberation Army
- Humanity and Health Clinical Trial Center
- Humanity and Health Medical Group
- The Institute of Translational Hepatology
- PLA No. 302 Hospital
- New Kowloon
- and Health Medical Group
- and Health Medical Group
- The University of Hong Kong
- Humanity and Health Medical Centre
- Medical School of Chinese PLA
- Fudan University
External person
S. H. Hasan
- Aga Khan University
- Section of Histopathology
- Karachi Cancer Registry
- Jinnah Sindh Medical University
External person
Peush Sahni
- National Medical Journal of India
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
- National Medical Journal of India
- National Medical Journal of India
- Health Alliance
- National Medical Journal
- University of Delhi
- IN
- Public Library of Science
External person
Abduljaleel M. Alalwan
- King Abdulaziz Medical City - Riyadh
- King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
External person
Maria Buti
- Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red
- Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III
- Hospital Vall d'Hebron
- Health Research Union
- University of Manitoba
- Benue State University
- Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
External person
Fernando Bessone
- Universidad Nacional de Rosario
- University of Rosario School of Medicine
- Hospital Provincial del Centenario
- Hospital Provincial Del Centenario
External person
Ikram A. Burney
- Aga Khan University
- Sultan Qaboos University
- Sultan Qaboos Comprehensive Cancer Care and Research Centre
External person
Mia J. Biondi
- York University Toronto
- University Health Network University of Toronto
- Viral Hepatitis Care Network at the Canadian Network on Hepatitis C
- Faculty of Health
External person
Alessio Aghemo
- Humanitas University
- IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas - Rozzano (Milano)
External person
Waleed K. Al-Hamoudi
- King Saud University
- King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre
External person
Maheeba Abdulla
- Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Bahrain
- Ibn Al-Nafees Hospital
- Syracuse University
External person
Abraham Koshy
- Lakeshore Hospital
- VPS Lakeshore Hospital and Research Center Ltd
- VPS Lakeshore
External person
Chandan Kumar Kedarisetty
- Global Hospitals
- Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
- Gleneagles Global Hospitals
External person
J. Akhter
- Aga Khan University
- University of Nebraska Medical Center
- SETMA Diabetes Center
External person
I. A. Malik
- Aga Khan University
- National Cancer Institute
- University of California at Irvine
External person
Joaquin Cabezas
- Hospital Universitario Marques de Valdecilla
- Clinical and Translational Research in Digestive Diseases
External person
Abdul Malik
- Liaquat National Hospital
- Hamdard College of Medicine and Dentistry
- Aga Khan University
- Liaquat College of Medicine and Dentistry
- Liaquat College of Medicine and Dentistry
- Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center
- Liaquat Medical and Dental College
External person
Diana Alcantara-Payawal
- Cardinal Santos Medical Center
- Cardinal Santos Medical Center
- Fatima University Medical Center
- Fatima University Medical Center Manila
External person
Mohamed AbdAllah
External person
Sollano Jose
External person
Zeba Aziz
- Hameed Latif Hospital
- Aga Khan University
- Pasteur Institute of Brussels
- Shaikh Zayed Hospital
- Hammed Latif Hospital
- Hameed Latif Hospital
- Hameed Latif Hospital
- Hameed Latif Hospital
External person
Ivane Gamkrelidze
- Center for Disease Analysis Foundation
- CDA Foundation
- National Center for Disease Control and Public Health
External person
Gourdas Choudhuri
- Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences
- Fortis Memorial Research Institute
- Fortis Memorial Research Institute
- Vivekanand Polyclinic and Institute of Medical Sciences
External person
Cheng Gregory
External person
Kadir Dokmeci
External person
Muhammed Umer
- Griffith University Queensland
- Aga Khan University
- Orthopedic and Medical Institute
External person
Firdous Jahan
- Aga Khan University
- National University of Science & Technology (by Merger of Caledonian College of Engineering and Oman Medical College)
External person
Virendra Singh
- Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
- Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
External person
Piratvisuth Teerha
External person
S. Alghamdi
External person
Chetan Kalal
- Sir H N Reliance Hospital and Research Centre
- Global Hospitals
- Global Hospitals
- Sir H N Reliance Hospital and Research Centre
- Sir Hurkisondas Nurrotumdas Hospital & Research Centre
External person
M. Alanko Blomé
External person
Emad Abd ElMajeed
External person
Ming Lung Yu
- Kaohsiung Medical University
- National Sun Yat-sen University
- Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital
- Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital
- National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
External person
S. J. Zuberi
- Aga Khan University
- Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center
- Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
External person
Payawal Diana
External person
Shahinul Alam
- Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
- Crescent Gastroliver and General Hospital
External person
R. Moreau
- Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale
- Centre de Recherche sur l’Inflammation (CRI)
- EF Clif
- Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris
- Université Paris Cité
External person
Ahmed Amr Abbassy
External person
Strasser Simone
External person
Wael Abdelghany
External person
Mark Dhinesh Muthiah
- National University of Singapore
- MOH Holdings Pte Ltd.
- National University Hospital
External person
L. Cisneros Garza
External person
Shamim Mushtaq
- Ziauddin University
- Aga Khan University
- University of Karachi
- Research Laboratory
External person
Safaa Mohamed Abdelhalim
External person
Khean Lee Goh
- University of Malaya
- World Gastroenterology Organisation
- University of Iowa
- Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi
External person
Naseema Mehboobali
- Aga Khan University
- Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
External person
Eslam Saber Esmail
- Tanta University
- Kafr El Zayyat Hospital
- Kafr Elzyat Hospital
- Kafr Elzyat Hospital
External person