Accuracy of specimen radiography in assessing complete local excision with breast-conservation surgery

Saira Naz, Imrana Masroor, Shaista Afzal, Waseem Mirza, Sehrish Butt, Zafar Sajjad, Anwar Ahmad

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of "X- ray examination of surgically resected specimen" in assessing complete local excision (CLE). Materials and Methods: In this retrospective cross sectional study, data were collected for all female breast cancer cases who underwent breast-conserving surgery after needle localization of mammographically visible disease. Males, patients with mammographically invisible disease and cases with benign or inconclusive histopathology, those undergoing modified radical mastectomy and individuals with dense breast parenchyma were excluded. We evaluated radiography of resected specimens to assess margin spiculation, distance of mass/microcalcification from the excised margin, presence of a mass, and presence of any adjacent microcalcification, Other features including mass size, nuclear grade and patient's age were also recorded and all were analyzed for any association with CLE. Results: Absence of adjacent microcalcification and the presence of a mass on radiographs showed significant associations with CLE, but no links were evident with other features. Specimen radiography was found to be a sufficient tool to predict CLE with a positive predictive value of 83.3%, a sensitivity of 80.7% and a specificity of 81%. Conclusion: Specimen radiography is an important and sensitive tool to predict CLE.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)763-767
Number of pages5
JournalAsian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2018


  • Breast cancer
  • Breast conservation
  • Complete local excision
  • Mammogram
  • Specimen radiography


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