Anaesthetic management of craniotomy for intracranial lesion in a child with uncorrected Tetrology of Fallot

Nosheela Basit Rafique, Mohammad Hamid

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The case of a 16 years old female with uncorrected Tetrology of Fallot, who operated for intracranial lesion in parieto frontal area with midline shift is presented. She had right ventricular hypertrophy, clubbing, central and peripheral cyanosis. Patient was anaesthetized keeping all measures required to avoid haemodynamic swings, tachycardia, desaturation, acidosis and dehydration. Pre-operative antibiotic cover was given to prevent bacterial endocarditis. Neurosurgeon, Paediatric cardiologist, Anaesthesiologist and Intensivist were involved in the preoperative planning and management of the patient. Haemodynamics were maintained and managed by monitoring continuous arterial line secured pre-induction and central line after induction. During surgery pain was controlled with fentanyl boluses intraoperatively and post operatively by tramadol infusion. Patient was extubated post operatively in the recovery room fulfilling the extubation criteria. She remained haemodynamically stable throughout the course. She was discharged on 5th post operative day from the hospital on SpO2 of 70-80% at room air.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)123-125
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of the Pakistan Medical Association
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2013


  • Extubation criteria
  • Fentanyl boluses
  • Intracranial lesion
  • TOF


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