Capacity building in nurse educators in a Global Leadership Mentoring Community

Dorette Sugg Welk, Ellen B. Buckner, Beth Desaretz Chiatti, Salima Farooq, Claudia K.Y. Lai, Nada Lukkahatai, Yeow Chye Ng, Alyea Pollard, Kylie Russell, Silva Dakessian Sailian

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Globally, nurse educators participate in the three main role activities of teaching, scholarship, and service. Matching for different global locations and career stages, 12 mentor-mentee pairs completed a one-year coordinated virtual program through Sigma Theta Tau International's Global Leadership Mentoring Community and mentees reported building their nurse educator capacities. The authors describe factors that potentially influence international mentoring such as language, time, technology, and key characteristics of mentoring relationships. Growth in educator roles occurred in the contexts of the culture of academe itself and Boyer's definitions of scholarship. Consistent with Sigma's vision statement, nurse educators have a global presence and responsibility to prepare competent nurses who can advance the health of the world's people. Readers may benefit for future planning of mentoring activities to build capacities in nurse educator roles through international interactions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number20210030
JournalInternational Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2021


  • academic roles
  • capacity building
  • global mentoring
  • nurse educator


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