Clinical and prognostic profile of Her2neu positive (non-luminal) intrinsic breast cancer subtype: Comparison with Her2neu positive luminal breast cancers

Atif Ali Hashmi, Raeesa Mahboob, Saadia Mehmood Khan, Muhammad Irfan, Mariam Nisar, Narisa Iftikhar, Maham Siddiqui, Naveen Faridi, Amir Khan, Muhammad Muzzammil Edhi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Objective: Her2neu receptor is proto-oncogene which can be over-expressed in both luminal and non-luminal breast cancers. In the present study, we aimed to compare the prognostic and predictive factors like tumor grade, T-stage, N-stage and ki67 index in Her2neu intrinsic breast cancer subtype with Her2neu over-expressed luminal breast cancers. Results: 801 (41%) cases were Her2neu positive; out of which, 418 cases (52.2%) showed ER positivity and thus were classified as Her2neu positive luminal cancers whereas 383 cases (47.8%) were ER and PR negative and therefore were labeled as intrinsic Her2neu subtype (non-luminal). Her2neu positive (non-luminal) cancers were significantly associated with higher grades and Ki67 proliferative index compared to Her2neu positive luminal cancers. On the other no significant association was noted in T-stage and N-stage. We found a high frequency of her2neu positivity in our studied population of breast cancer. Moreover, association of her2neu positive (non-luminal) breast cancers with higher grade and ki67 index indicates a predictive value of ER/PR positivity in her2neu positive breast cancers. On the other hand, lack of association with respect to T and N stage, signifies no prognostic benefit of ER/PR in her2neu positive breast cancers.

Original languageEnglish
Article number574
JournalBMC Research Notes
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 13 Aug 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • ER
  • Her2neu
  • Her2neu
  • Intrinsic breast cancer
  • PR


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