Colostrum and mature breast milk analysis of serum irisin and sterol regulatory element-binding proteins-1c in gestational diabetes mellitus

Syeda Sadia Fatima, Erum Khalid, Asma Akbar Ladak, Syed Adnan Ali

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18 Citations (Scopus)


Background: We aimed to evaluate irisin and SREBP-1c levels in serum, colostrum and mature breast milk in women with and without gestational diabetes (GDM); and to relate them with maternal glucose, lipid profile and weight status of babies. Methods: GDM positive women (n = 33) and normal glucose tolerant women (NGT) (n = 33) were recruited. Maternal blood samples were collected at 28th week of gestation and later at 6-week post-partum while breast milk samples of the lactating mothers were collected within 72 hours of birth (colostrum) and at 6 weeks post-partum (mature milk). Irisin and SREBP-1c levels were analyzed by commercially available ELISA kits for all maternal samples. Results: Lower levels of irisin were seen in serum, colostrum and mature breast milk of GDM females (p <.01). SREBP-1c profile showed a similar trend of low serum levels in GDM, however, they were undetectable in colostrum and mature breast milk. Weak to moderate correlations of serum irisin with BMI (r = 0.439; p <.001), GTT 0 hours (r = 0.403; p =.01), HbA1c (r = −0.312; p =.011), Fasting blood glucose (r = 0.992; p =.008), and baby weight at birth (r = 0.486; p <.001). Colostrum and mature breast milk irisin showed positive associations with baby weight at 6 weeks (r = 0.325; p =.017; r = 0.296; p =.022, respectively). Serum SREBP-1c at 6 weeks correlated with random blood glucose (r = 0.318; p =.009), and HbA1c (r= −0.292; p =.011). All correlations were lost once we adjusted for maternal BMI. Conclusions: Low irisin and SREBP1-c levels may favor development of GDM in pregnant subjects. Further, low mature breast milk levels may act as a continued stressor from fetal to infant life as long as breast-feeding is continued. Further studies are required to identify the mechanistic relationship between these biomarkers and GDM.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2993-2999
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 17 Sept 2019


  • cytokine
  • gestational diabetes
  • irisin
  • Mature breast milk
  • obesity


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