Global competencies in family medicine

William E. Cayley, Lesley Pocock, Victor Inem, Mohsen Rezaeian, Waris Qidwai

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Introduction:This project was devised to provide a global snapshot of required national competencies in Family Medicine, and is the result of an international collaboration of the International Fellowship of Primary Care Research Networks (IFPCRN). The Research team, which devised the questionnaire and original list of competencies, was drawn from around 30 countries and 15 countries responded to the questionnaire and contributed national data. These countries however represented close to two thirds of our global population and included Low, Middle and High Income countries (based on World Bank Purchasing price Parity (PPP) 2005) as well Parity (PPP) 2005) as well as representing a good cross section of climatological, socio economic and geographical situations.

Aims and Objectives: To compile a list of competencies required of global family doctors, via global consultation, and use them in the form of a questionnaire to survey national family medicine representatives to ascertain if family doctors are required to be competent in these disciplines. The Objective is to provide a ‘global snapshot’ of competencies and trends in family medicine

Materials and Methods: A representative list of family medicine competencies was compiled by an International Fellowship of Primary Care Research Networks (IFPCRN) group, from 30 countries over a 3-month period, commencing June 2009.

A list of 57 expanded items, and 44 core items was then compiled and formed the basis of a questionnaire, with provision for adding additional competencies that did not appear in the list of 57. This was broadcast by list server to the IFPCRN email group.

Results: 15 Family medicine/ primary care representatives completed the survey on behalf of their nation (or region in the case of West Africa). Results showed a trend toward a globally standard curriculum but still much variation in competencies taught.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
JournalDepartment of Family Medicine
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2010

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