Home range and activity of the broad-toothed rat, mastacomys fuscus, in subalpine heathland

T. M. Bubela, D. C.D. Happold, L. S. Broome

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28 Citations (Scopus)


Radiotelemetry and trapping were used to examine the home range and activity of Mastacomys fuscus Thomas in subalpine heathland at Smiggin Holes, N.S.W. The 75% utilisation contour was used torepresent the home range. Its size varied between sexes and between seasons. During the mid-breedingseason (January) male home ranges were larger than those of females. In late summer and autumnhome ranges of males decreased and were no longer significantly larger than those of females. Therewas no significant variation in home ranges of females from January to autumn, although therewas a slightly decreasing trend. In winter, individuals of both sexes congregated into communal nests, and home range decreased dramatically. Seasonal variation in home range is explained in terms of thesocial behaviour of the species. M. fuscus was mainly nocturnal but also exhibited some diurnalactivity. There was no variation in activity between the sexes. Individuals were most active in Januaryand February, became less active in March and late autumn, and were least active in winter.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)39-48
Number of pages10
JournalWildlife Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1991
Externally publishedYes


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