Incidence of bony secondary at presentation of breast carcinoma in our region.

S. M. Islam, S. Mahmood, G. A. Hossain, N. Khan, R. K. Chakraborty, K. Uddin, A. Islam, M. Rahman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Study is conducted to evaluate the incidence of bony secondary and to evaluate the need for routine bone scintigraphy at the time of presentation of breast carcinoma in this region. Of the total 130 patients evaluated by bone scan, sixty (n = 60, 46.15%) had secondary lesion in bone. Among the 54 preoperative patients, all with positive FNAC, twenty (n = 20, 37.03%) had bony metastases. Of the 76 post-operative patients, forty (n = 40, 52.63%) had secondary bone lesions. Single lesion was seen in only five (n = 5, 8.53%) cases. Rest fifty five (n = 55, 91.67%) had multiple bony secondaries. Most of the postoperative cases (n = 40, 52.63%) were invasive/infiltrative duct cell carcinoma. The very high incidence of bony secondary appears to be due to delayed presentation associated with poor socioeconomic condition, ignorance and also shyness. Bony metastases at the time of presentation suggests poor prognosis. As it can affect therapeutic management of these patients, routine bone scintigraphy at the time of presentation of breast carcinoma patients to a tertiary label hospital is proposed, against conflicting conclusion by papers in the developed countries.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)25-29
Number of pages5
JournalMymensingh medical journal : MMJ
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2003
Externally publishedYes


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