Overview of early childhood education in China, India, Ethiopia, and Tanzania.

Judit Szente, X. Christine Wang, Belete Mebratu, Fortidas Bakuza

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This paper introduces the status of early childhood education in China, India, Ethiopia, and Tanzania over the past 25 years while sharing crucial new policies targeting early childhood (EC) education and EC teacher education. The paper targets four main areas such as :

1) opportunities for quality pre- and in-service training of EC teachers;

2) distribution/availability of quality EC teachers;

3) perceived status of EC teachers; and

4) financial support for EC education in each country.

Conclusions and recommendations for the Post-2015 area are also provided.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
JournalInstitute for Educational Development, East Africa
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2015

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