Perinatal women's perceptions about midwifery led model of care in secondary care hospitals in Karachi, Pakistan

Shahnaz Anwar, Rafat Jan, Rahat Najam Qureshi, Salma Rattani

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22 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: the purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions and experiences of perinatal women who have availed of midwifery led model of care (MLC) at secondary care settings in Karachi, Pakistan. Design: a qualitative descriptive exploratory approach using semi-structured interviews. Participants: a purposive sample of 10 women who had used MLC was enroled from each site. Findings: content analysis highlighted that 'women's satisfaction with MLC' emerged as the main theme and, under this theme, the six categories that emerged were: (1) the admired capability and maturity of midwives, (2) the affordability of midwifery services, (3) a personalised relationship, (4) the empowerment of women to make decisions, (5) presence, and (6) a voiced concern regarding lack of marketing of MLC. Key conclusions: the study findings revealed that women had an overall feeling of satisfaction with the maternity care provided by the midwives. Mostly, women appreciated the midwives' expertise in providing maternity care. Majority of the women acknowledged the continuous presence of the midwives during childbirth and the women shared that they were empowered to make decisions related to their care. Most of the women indicated that marketing for MLC is scarce and insufficient. Majority of the women are even not aware of this model; therefore, it is imperative to create awareness and to provide MLC access to women through robust marketing. Implications for practice: the findings of this study may help to advocate and provide women-friendly maternity care, by giving choice and control to women during childbirth, providing comfort to women by using fewer medical interventions, and promoting normality by attending spontaneous vaginal childbirths.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e79-e90
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2014


  • Midwifery led care
  • Women's perceptions/experiences
  • Women's satisfaction with care


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