Preclinical medical students' perspective on technology enhanced assessment for learning

Zehra Jamil, Syeda Sadia Fatima, Amna Afzal Saeed

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29 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: To explore the potentials of technology-assisted assessment for learning using Kahoot software in teaching session. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Aga Khan University, Karachi, to investigate the usefulness of formative assessment based on the use of Kahoot, a quiz-based learning platform, in undergraduate setting.Six lectures were offered to undergraduate medical students with integration of assessment for learning (AfL) activities. Students' perception was sought via questionnaire regarding effectiveness of quizzing on classroom dynamics, meaningful learning and assessment practice. Results: Of the 171 respondents, 155(91%) stated that technology-enriched methodologies were in line to their learning strategy while 138(81%) students rated their experience with technology-supported assessment for learning as "Excellent". The students perceived highest positive influence on the classroom dynamics [109(63.8%)], followed by assistance to learning [100(58.58%)] and assessment performance [88(51.7%)]. Overall, 133(78%) students agreed to the notion that quizzes aided in summarisation of concept and consolidation of essential content. Additionally, 113(66%) participant expressed that anonymity helped them take quizzes as earnest opportunity to learn without any fright of failure. Conclusion: AfL leads to a paradigm shift in the classroom, transferring the ownership of learning to the students. There is a need to implement such activities as a routine across diverse educational settings such as labs, lectures or even clinical rotations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)898-903
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of the Pakistan Medical Association
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018


  • Active engagement
  • Assessment for learning
  • Formative assessment
  • Technology enhanced learning


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