Psychometric analysis of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire in Pakistani pregnant women

the Maternal-infant Global Health Team (MiGHT) Collaborators in Research

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Background: The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Scale (PRAQ) are frequently used perinatal mental health scales. Objective: To identify the factor structure of the Urdu language versions of EPDS and PRAQ in 280 Pakistani pregnant women. Method: The tools were administered at 12–19 weeks’ and 22–29 weeks’ gestational age (GA). Exploratory factor analyses were undertaken on data collected at 12–19 weeks’ GA, to assess both scales. Results obtained at the second time point were used to examine test-retest reliability. The correlation between the scales was computed. Results: A two-factor model yielded the best fit for both scales, which is consistent with findings from previous studies. For the EPDS, acceptable reliability was attained for the overall score (α = 0.77) and for the factor related to depressive symptoms (α = 0.73), but not for the factor related to anhedonia/suicide (α = 0.64). For the PRAQ, acceptable reliability was attained for the overall score (α = 0.83) and for the factor related to pregnancy concerns (α = 0.84), but not for the factor related to childbirth (α = 0.64). Test-retest reliability was acceptable for both overall scales EPDS: r = 0.50; PRAQ: r = 0.45; both p < .001). The Pearson correlation between the EPDS and PRAQ were r = 0.145, p < .05. Conclusion: Analysis of the tools confirmed a two-factor structure for both depression and anxiety among Pakistani pregnant women. A weak correlation was found between the EPDS and PRAQ. Further research is required to develop screening instruments for perinatal mental disorders that are applicable to cultural contexts.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103066
JournalAsian Journal of Psychiatry
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022


  • Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
  • Exploratory factor analysis
  • Low-and middle-income countries
  • MiGHT
  • Pakistan
  • Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire


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