Role of Lipid-Lowering Therapy in Peripheral Artery Disease

Agastya D. Belur, Aangi J. Shah, Salim S. Virani, Mounica Vorla, Dinesh K. Kalra

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial, lipoprotein-driven condition that leads to plaque formation within the arterial tree, leading to subsequent arterial stenosis and thrombosis that accounts for a large burden of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality globally. Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities is called peripheral artery disease and is a major cause of loss in mobility, amputation, and critical limb ischemia. Peripheral artery disease is a common condition with a gamut of clinical manifestations that affects an estimated 10 million people in the United States of America and 200 million people worldwide. The role of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, such as LDL and remnant lipoproteins in the development and progression of atherosclerosis, is well-established. The focus of this paper is to review existing data on lipid-lowering therapies in lower extremity atherosclerotic peripheral artery disease.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4872
JournalJournal of Clinical Medicine
Issue number16
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • PCSK9 inhibitors
  • amputation
  • atherosclerosis
  • critical limb ischemia
  • icosapent ethyl
  • inclisiran
  • intermittent claudication
  • lipoprotein
  • peripheral artery disease
  • statin


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