Stapled hemorrhoidopexy: The Aga Khan University Hospital experience

Ali Athar, Tabish Chawla, Pishori Turab

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Background/Aim: Stapled hemorrhoidopexy for prolapsing hemorrhoids is conceptually different from excision hemorrhoidectomy. It does not accompany the pain that usually occurs after resection of the sensitive anoderm. This study was carried out to evaluate the clinical outcome of stapled hemorrhoidopexy at The Aga Khan University Hospital. Materials and Methods: A sample of 140 patients with symptomatic second-, third-, and fourth-degree hemorrhoids and circumferential mucosal prolapse underwent stapled hemorrhoidopexy from July 2002 to July 2007. They were evaluated for postoperative morbidity, analgesic requirement, and recurrence. Results: Seventy-eight percent were males and the mean age was 45 (range 16-90) years. The mean operative time was 35 (15-78) min. The mean parenteral analgesic doses during the first 24 h were 2.1. All patients received oral analgesics alone after 24 h. No significant postoperative morbidity was observed. The mean in-patient hospital stay was 1.3 (0-5) days. Patients were followed-up for 24 (range, 2-48) months. Minor local recurrence of hemorrhoids was seen in four patients and was managed by band ligation. Conclusion: Stapled hemorrhoidopexy procedure was found safe, well tolerated by patients with minimal parenteral analgesic use and early discharge from the hospital.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)163-166
Number of pages4
JournalSaudi Journal of Gastroenterology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2009


  • Ferguson's closed hemorrhoidectomy
  • Hemorrhoids
  • High fiber diet
  • Milligan-Morgan open hemorrhoidectomy
  • Stapled hemorrhoidopexy


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