Surgical ligation of scrotal varicocele for male factor infertility is a valid option of treatment

Muhammad Moazzam, Khurram M. Siddiqui, Mohammed H. Ather, S. Raziuddin Biyabani

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: To evaluate the role of surgical ligation of scrotal varicocele for treatment of male factor infertility. Methods: We studied 60 patients who presented with infertility and were also found to have scrotal varicocele. Patients with other probable causes contributing to infertility were excluded. Diagnosis was made by clinical examination and scrotal ultrasonography. All the patients underwent either laparoscopic varicocelectomy or open retroperitoneal high ligation of the testicular veins. Operative time and hospital stay was recorded. All patients were evaluated for postoperative improvement of semen parameters and development of any postoperative complication. The results were analyzed by commercially available software. Results: During the study period 5 patients were lost to follow up and were excluded. The rest of patients (n=55) were young, with age ranging from 20-35 years (Mean age 27.8 years, SD ± 4.38). All patients had unilateral left sided varicocele; two patients (3.6%) had grade I varicocele, 21 patients (38.2%) had grade II varicocele and 32 patients (58.2%) had grade III varicocele. Statistically significant improvement in sperm density (p value < 0.05), sperm activity (p value < 0.05) and sperm morphology (p value < 0.05) was observed after the surgical ligation. The mean operative time was 54.88 minutes (SD ± 13). The mean hospital stay in laparoscopic procedure was 33.4 (SD ± 15.3). Minor complications were noted in 13 patients and included superficial wound infection in 3 patients, 6 patients exhibited testicular pain and persistence of varicocele in 4 patients. Conclusion: Surgical ligation of scrotal varicocele is a safe and effective mode of treatment of male factor infertility in selected population.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)363-365
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of the Pakistan Medical Association
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2006


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