Thrombocytosis: Age dependent aetiology and analysis of platelet indices for differential diagnosis

Naveen Naz Syed, Mohammad Usman, Mohammad Khurshid

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16 Citations (Scopus)


To identify the etiology of thrombocytosis in various age groups and to evaluate the effectiveness of platelet indices in differentiating reactive and clonal thrombocytosis, an observational, prospective review of patients with platelet count of 600×109/L or more performed by using coulter counter STKS(Coulter Electronic, Kerfeld, Germany). Extreme thrombocytosis defined as platelet count of 1000×109/L or more. Of 1068 patients, 91.8% had reactive and 8.2% had clonal thrombocytosis. Frequent causes of reactive thrombocytosis were infections (44.9%), tissue injury (11.4%) and rebound thrombocytosis (10.2%). Fifty-five patients had extreme thrombocytosis, main aetiologies were secondary and clonal thrombocytosis that seen in 72.7% and 27.3% of cases respectively. Comparison of platelet indices showed; that cases with reactive thrombocytosis had low mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width. We concluded that thrombocytosis could be a response to various physiological and pathological processes. Low MPV and PDW in patients with high platelet counts strongly suggest reactive etiology.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)628-633
Number of pages6
JournalIndian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2007


  • Mean platelet volume (MPV)
  • Platelet distribution width (PDW)
  • Thrombocytosis


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